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Bags & Buckets
Solar Industry Technician Bags & Buckets
Bags and buckets have two jobs. 1) to make transporting your tools and equipment easier and 2) to protect those tools and equipment while being transported. Our history in the at-height industry has allowed GME Supply to source a collection of the best bags for any situation. Whether you need a canvas bucket, equipment/duffel bags, organizers, outdoor packs, or rope bags - we’ve got the bags you need to get the job done.
Canvas buckets come in a wide variety and have features including flame resistance, chemical resistance, separate inside pockets, and leather stitched bottoms for added strength. Many of our buckets also have optional covers, pull string closing options, and handle attached swivels for easy transport.
Equipment & Duffel Bags:
Canvas buckets are great to haul tools, shackles, and other accessories up the tower, but they aren’t very convenient to transport all of your gear from jobsite to jobsite. That’s where equipment and duffle bags come in. We have a wide range of different bags to cover all of your needs. Whether you are looking for large bags with straps, bags with wheels, canvas bags, or waterproof bags we’ve got you covered. Need a bag with a ton of different pockets so you can keep your gear separated? We’ve got those too.
Bags and buckets are great, but sometimes you need something more specific. Organization can be the difference between the day starting smoothly and wasting time trying to find the gear you need. Our Gear Experts® have handpicked a range of different organizers that can help you keep your tools and gear neatly separated to make your life easier and help you get the job done.
Outdoor Packs:
Equipment bags and duffle bags are great. But sometimes they don’t quite hold up to the elements. That’s where outdoor packs come in. These bags have been specifically built to transport items through harsh environments.
Rope Bags:
Your rope is an intricate part of your setup when it comes to solar work. It is your lifeline and transportation line and can be used in many different ways with many different types of gear and equipment. But, rope isn’t always easy to transport. It can get heavy and can take up more space than you’d like. Rope bags solve that problem. GME Supply offers a multitude of rope bags in all different shapes, sizes, styles, and colors. No matter what kind of rope your carrying or what kind of bag you need - we’ve got a solution for you.
Tool Pouches:
Tool pouches are diverse - meaning there is something cool out there for everyone. There are three main styles of tool pouches: bag, holder, and pouch. Many of the tool bags resemble canvas buckets. They have many of the same design features and range in sizes from small (ideal for screws, nails, bolts, etc.) to fairly large (ideal for hammers, wrenches, and small power tools). Tool holders typically come in tunnel loop or slotted connection styles and are designed to fit onto a belt.
Tool pouches are designed to wrap around your waist and provide a series of pockets ranging in size to hold all of the tools and accessories you might need. Some tool pouches have the ability to add additional holders for expanded space.
Need help finding your perfect bag or bucket for your next job? Check in with one of our Gear Experts®.