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Getting Started with Gearcor by GME Supply is easy. Simply schedule a demo with your Gear Expert® to get started today!
Step 1: Software Demo and Needs Analysis
30 - 60 Minute Meeting
- Identify what footwear, uniform, PPE and/or consumables your team needs
- Discuss your organization and review how your team operates
Step 2: Software Setup and Product Selection
1 - 2 Business Days
- Gearcor sets up your management and ordering site based on our discussion from Step 1
- You provide Gearcor with a list of employees who will be using and/or ordering through the system
- You complete a customer credit application
Step 3: Pre- Launch Review
30 Minute Meeting
- We review your company marketplace, manager dashboard and the products available to your employees with you
- Review the products added to your system
- Review site operation and functionality
- Your Gear Expert makes any needed changes
Step 4: Admin / Manager Training
30 - 60 Minute Meeting
- Any admin or manager who will be managing the program internally will be provided a system training
- Managers and administrators can be selectively provided access to the manager portal as needed
Step 5: Launch
Press of a Button
- Launch the site out to your team or company
- Employees are invited to start using the system
- Marketing material will be provided to help promote the program within your organization